To all those supporting Marius & Ruth Bodnariu, please join us in our latest effort to help reunite these parents with their children.
- Pentru toti cei ce ii sprijiniti pe Marius și Ruth Bodnariu, va rugam sa va alaturati noua in acest nou efort de a-i reuni cu copilasii lor.
Last weekend, we used EMAIL to spotlight the abuses and predatory encroachment of the Barnevernet to their governing Norwegian authorities. This weekend, we will be using paper MAIL to cover the gaps where our EMAIL was either filtered to spam or blocked by servers. See below detailed instructions on how to help.
- Saptamana trecuta am folosit email-ul pentru a aduce Barnevernet-ul in centrul atentiei propriilor autoritati. Saptamana aceasta dorim sa ne folosim de posta pentru a acoperi golurile laste de emailurile trimise saptamana trecuta si spre a atrage si mai multa atentie asupra cazului familiei Bodnariu. Pentru toti cei ce doriti sa participati, urmariti instructiunile de mai jos.
We will be mailing handwritten Christmas cards to all pertinent Norwegian entities and asking for them to help reunite the Bodnariu family for Christmas. The message needs to be short and handwritten (personalizing the request helps insure that the card does not get tossed in the trash upon receipt). For those who don’t have spare Christmas cards or unable to buy any, please handwrite the below message on a piece of paper and mail it to the below listed addresses.
- Scopul acestui proiect este de a trimite, pe cale postala, felicitari scrise de mana la toate entitatile Norvegiene care are putea avea influenta in cazul Bodnariu, rugandu-i sa ajute la reunirea familiei Bodnariu. Mesajul va fi scurt si scris de mana (pentru a personaliza mesajul si pentru a evita aruncarea acestuia in gunoi imediat ce plicul este deschis). Pentru cei ce nu aveti, si nu puteti cumpara felicitari de Craciun, va rugam sa scrieti mesajul pe o coala de hartie si il puteti trimite si asa.
1. Buy as many Christmas cards as you wish to send out.
- Cumparati atatea felicitari de Craciun pe cate doriti sa trimiteti.
2. Handwrite the below provided English message inside the card: (Please use the below provided wording and refrain from writing anything negative or accusatory…we are appealing to sentiment and not instigating tension. The message needs to be in English as ALL Norwegian entities are trained to communicate in English.)
- Va rugam sa scrieti mesajul de mai jos, in limba engleza: (Va rugam sa folositi mesajul oferit; nu dorim sa trimitem mesaje negative sau acuzatoare la adresa unor oameni carora le cerem ajutorul; dorim sa apelam la umanitatea lor, nu sa ii instigam. De altfel, mesajul trebuie scris in limba engleza, deoarece toate entitatile norvegiene citesc si inteleg limba engleza)
–––––––– Merry Christmas! For Christmas this year, I pray that you help reunite a family residing in Norway. Five children (ages 3 months to 9 years old) are currently in three separate homes away from their parents while Christmas is fast approaching! We ask that you please look into the Bodnariu case and into the abuses made against them by the Barnevernet. Please help this family celebrate Christmas together! Merry Christmas and God bless you in your willingness to do the right thing by reuniting this family! The family of Marius and Ruth Bodnariu can be reached at:
3. Select as many addresses as you can write to, especially those in your home country; at the very minimum, please write to the ones at the top of the list.
- Alegeti cate adrese puteti din urmatoarea lista; am enumerat adresele in ordinea importantei:
To: The Royal Court The Royal Palace 0010 Oslo, Norway
To: Office of the Prime Minister – Erna Solberg Postboks 8001 Dep, 0030 Oslo, Norway
To: Barnevernet Naustdal Kommune, Postboks 43 / Tunavegen 6, Tunavegen 6, 6806 Naustdal , Norway
To: Fylkesmannen i Sogn og Fjordane Njøsavegen 2, 6863 Leikanger, Norway
To: Stortinget Karl Johans gt. 22 N-0026, Oslo, Norway
To: Stortinget Svein Harberg 0026 Oslo, Norway
To: The Minister of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion Mrs. Solveig Horne Akersgata 59, 0030 Oslo, Norway
To: The Romanian Embassy in Norway Oscars Gate 51, 0244 Oslo, Norway
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy 2720 34th Street NW Washington, DC 20008
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy Strada Atena 18 011832 Bucuresti 1 Romania
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy Ambassador: Mona Elisabeth Brøther 150 Metcalfe Street, suite 1300 Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Spain Calle Serrano, 26 (planta 5) 28001 Madrid, Spain
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Brussels Rue Archimède 17 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
To: Royal Norwegian Embassy in England 25 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8QD United Kingdom
4. Please make sure the postage is sufficient for mailing the card to the chosen addresses and mail your cards/letter beginning this Friday and no later than Tuesday, December 15th, to ensure their arrival before Christmas.
- Va rog sa va asigurati ca fiecare plic are timbru corespunzator destinatiei. Va rugam sa trimiteti felicitarile/scrisorile pana pe data de Decembrie 15, pentru a asigura primirea lor inainte de Craciun.
5. Please let us know how many cards/letters you mailed in the comments section of this Facebook note; the Barnevernet is reading our page and it helps them see you support and contributions.
- Daca este posibil, si numai daca doriti, va rugam sa lasati un comentariu in care sa ne spuneti daca ati putut/si cate scrisori ati putut trimite; am dori sa stim cate entitati Norvegiene vor primi felicitari de Craciun.
Keep Marius & Ruth and their children (Eliana, Naomi, Matthew, John, and Ezekiel) in your prayers as your family and you are preparing for Christmas. God bless you!
- Continuati sa ii purtati pe Marius, Ruth, si pe copiii lor Eliana, Naomi, Matei, Ioan, si Ezechiel in rugaciunile dumneavoastra. Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze!
For those who are unable to handwrite Christmas cards, please copy and paste the above message and send via EMAIL. However, we would like to highlight that handwritten messages are preferred this time as Christmas cards are less likely to be automatically sent to trash. Email addresses are available below.
- Vrem sa subliniem: mesajele scrise de mana sunt de preferat, deoarece sunt mai eficiente, si nu vor putea fi aruncate la gunoi atat de repede precum un email. Totusi, pentru cei care nu puteti scrie felicitari de Craciun de mana, va rugam sa trimiteti mesajul din limba engleza de mai sus, folosind copy/paste, si trimiteti-l email la urmatoarele adrese:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you for your continued support!