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Uniunea Baptista despre Nelson Mandela – Comunicat

Cu ocazia serviciului comemorativ organizat la București în memoria fostului Președinte al Africii de Sud, Nelson Mandela, Otniel Ioan Bunaciu – Președintele Uniunii Baptiste din România și Președinte al Federației Baptiste Europene, a înmânat reprezentantului Ambasadei Africii de Sud următorul mesaj de condoleante:


H.E. Mrs. Thenjiwe Ethel MTINTSO
Ambassador, The South African Embassy,
Bucharest, Romania
Dear Mrs. Ambassador,We have learned with sadness of the passing away of former South African President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

Nelson Mandela’s engagement in transforming the South African society, in achieving change and reconciliation is a witness of his standing as a statesman a role he lived with humility. His life and achievements continue to remain an inspiration for people all over the world. May we all be inspired and motivated by hearing his call for human dignity and peace.

Our prayers are lifted for the family of Nelson Mandela and for the People of South Africa at this time of grieving.


Otniel Ioan Bunaciu

President, The Baptist Union of Romania & The European Baptist Federation


Sursa: Revista Crestinul Azi