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West Point Hosts First Same-Sex Weddings

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point hosted its first same-sex weddings over the past two weekends, CBN News reports. Both weddings were held in historic campus landmarks: the Cadet Chapel and the Old Cadet Chapel in the campus cemetery.

Army chaplains from other bases performed the ceremonies because the denominations of the West Point chaplains don’t allow them to perform same-sex weddings. New York legalized same-sex marriage last year, just months before the „Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy was repealed, allowing gays to serve openly in the military. According to Dr. Albert Mohler of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary: „The celebration of a same-sex marriage ceremony in Cadet Chapel at West Point, complete with the saber arch and full military honors, represents a huge step toward the normalization of same-sex marriage, and of homosexuality itself, in the larger society. The event was a powerful symbol of the great revolution in sexual morality that marks our times.”